Ex-gay movement | Ex-gay-liike | Ex-gay-rörelse
Al-Tawbah (Muslim ex-gay | islamilainen ex-gay | islamisk ex-gay)
Beyond Ex-Gay (former ex-gays | ex-gay-liikkeestä eronneita | f d ex-gay medlemmar)
Courage (Catholic ex-gay | katolinen ex-gay | katolsk ex-gay)
Exodus International (protestant ex-gay | protestanttinen ex-gay | protestant ex-gay)
Links for special groups | Linkkejä erityisryhmille | Länkar för speciella grupper
Conference for Catholic Lesbians
HeartStrong (for students and educators | opiskelijoille ja opettajille | för studenter och lärare)
Sibyls (for trans people | transihmisille | för transmänniskor)
Yes Institute (for youth | nuorille | för ungdomar)
Chat,email lists etc. | Keskustelua,sähköpostia ym. | Diskussion,email-listor osv.
GLOW lists (e g 7th Day Adv. | mm. 7. päivän adv. | bl a 7nde dagens adv.)
OrthoGays (gay Orthodox Jews | ortodoksijuutalaisia homoja | ortodoxjudiska bögar)
Magazines | Lehtiä | Tidskrifter
Open Hands (ecumenical | ekumeeninen | ekumenisk)
Articles | Artikkeleita | Artiklar
Christianity and Homosexuality Reconciled
The Holy Leper and the Bisexual Christian
Religion and HIV / AIDS
Religious Issues for Gays and Lesbians
Biblical verses | Raamatunkohtia | Bibliska verser
Gay: Religion
Homosexuality and Christianity
Transgender people and faith
Miscellaneous | Sekalaista | Blandade
Born Eunuchs: Homosexual Identity in the Ancient World
Calendar of LGBT Saints
ChiRhoPress (publishing company |kustantamo | förlag)
Gay Christian - An Oxymoron?
Lavender Light Gospel Choir
People with a History
(lgbt history,religious also | uskonnollistakin hlbt-historiaa | hbt-historia,också religiös)
PLAGAL (lgbt against abortion | hlbt abortinvastustajia | hbt mot abortion)
Rite of Brotherhood (old marriage formula | vihkikaava | vigmönster)
Shower of Stoles
Spirit Journeys
Where to get a religious blessing
(homosuhteen siunaavia kirkkoja | kyrkor som välsignar par av samma kön)
Updated | Päivitetty | Uppdaterad 22.07.2023